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Radio James Games Logo
 Indie Role-playing Games Publisher 

Radio James Games

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Giant monster game of geo-politics and trauma, Kaiju Kontrol, is released from its conceptual prison and out now on DriveThruRPG,, and at the Canadian  site Compose Dream Games, where you could save an awful lot on shipping if you're in Canada. I'll be running this at the upcoming Breakout Con in Toronto March 14th to 16th.

The Psychic Danger Society will be up on Kickstarter in March 2024. You can sign up to be notified now.


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Radio James' Games


The Gaming Horizon

Photo on 2022-05-16 at 10_edited_edited.jpg
Radio James Games

"The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand. The ordinary telegraph is like a very long cat. You pull the tail in West Mabou, and it meows in the Kootenays. The wireless is the same, only without the cat."


Established and operated by James Kerr, the eponymous Radio James Games is designed with the production of exceptional table-top role-playing games in mind. Its aims and objectives include creator-oriented publications and broad community participation for the production of creative and engaging lived-in shared imaginative spaces. Radio James Games believes there is much left to discover in the medium. So, let yourself be lured in by sincerity and passion. At any rate, stay a while.


Generative A.I. Policy: Just in case it's not gob-smackingly clear, Radio James Games is SUPER AGAINST the use of Generative AI (Gen AI/AI Art/AI Images/however you want to put it) at any level in the publishing funnel. I'll craft a spiffier statement for later, but for now this can sit as a statement of intent.

James Kerr

James Kerr is a publisher, broadcaster, Indie Groundbreaker nominated table-top RPG designer, and arcade champ from rural Ontario. He brings traditional publishing methods to gonzo indie games, believes grassroots does not have to mean poorly thought out, and seeks to challenge the medium both mechanically and in terms of information dissemination. Radio James Games is his publishing house, where marvellous notions take on life.

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